Solutions Lab – Passion and experience!


The progressing technological revolution is constantly providing us with new possibilities for communication and cooperation. Today, it is clear that dynamic growth of a business is only possible by applying innovative solutions. Companies with courage, who become pioneers in the use of modern technology, gain a huge competitive advantage.

And they become leaders in their field of operation.


Solutions Lab provides a new level of quality in sales team management. Our partners receive an exceptional and perfectly tailored tool. As the only company in the market, we analyse the actual characteristics of our customers to be able to propose a solution adjusted to meet their needs. Because of this, we can unlock the potential hidden in every business, even those that are already highly functioning. With simple and intuitive programs, we guarantee that the efforts of your managers to organize work processes and set goals – not to mention their team’s execution – will be used to the maximum extent possible. We offer a verified process which translates into improved business results.


We are supported by 20 years of experience in management of the largest companies in the fields of FMCG, telecommunications, media and technology. We are highly familiar with the specifics of company operations and IT systems. We have been operating in the market since 2011.


We look forward to cooperating with you!





SolutionsLab Sp. z o.o.

Ul. Kraszewskiego 32/4

05-803 Pruszków


telefon: +48 22 100 53 45



NIP: 527-26-53-598,

REGON: 142959385, KRS 0000387773

Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy w Warszawie,

 XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego


All right reserved 2019

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